Leading digital pen and ink technology for business.

In-person interaction and handwritten forms with signatures are still a key part of the customer experience, even in our digital age. Wacom bridges the gap between digital business processes and familiar handwritten inputs with a unique combination of digital pen and ink technologies. Our skilled partners integrate these elements seamlessly into organizational IT infrastructures. The result: digital business efficiency with a human touch.

Wacom for business: Typical Use Cases

How Wacom solutions enable digital document workflows that require in-person interaction.

Solutions for signature capture

Wacom solutions leverage our market-leading hardware and software to capture handwritten electronic signatures through read/write signature data generated via pen-enabled devices. They also support electronic signature capture via a browser operating within Microsoft Windows.

WILL use case 1

Solution for signature verification

Wacom hardware and software can also be used to capture biometric and date/time stamped signatures that are legally binding.1 This enables usage scenarios that require signatures to be verified immediately and permanently, such as the completion of financial loan contracts.

1 Regulations defining the legal validity of handwritten electronic signatures vary between countries. 

WILL use case 2

Solutions for form-processing

Wacom hardware such as the Wacom Clipboard can be used with WILL™ SDK for documents and WILL™ SDK for devices to enable the immediate digitization of forms completed by hand. These forms can then be uploaded immediately for easy document management. No scanning is necessary and biometric handwritten signatures can be captured and attached to the digital document.

WILL use case 3

Solutions for annotation

Wacom solutions can also be used to enable electronic handwritten annotation of documents. So, for example, a solution for medical professionals might use the Wacom Clipboard to enable the immediate digitization of medical documents that need to be updated dynamically based on patient condition.

WILL use case 4

Wacom Products

All the components required to enable handwritten electronic signatures within document workflows that require in-person interaction.

Pen tablets thumbnail

Pen Hardware

Wacom’s market-leading digital pen and tablet products including signature tablets, pen displays and clipboards are the foundation for the most intuitive user experience with digital pen and ink.

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Applications and Services

A combination of use case-specific apps, services and priority support enable our technology partners to integrate advanced digital ink functionality into tailored document workflow solutions for businesses.

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WILL™ Digital Ink

WILL™ (Wacom Ink Layer Language) is a technology framework incorporating unique algorithms and a file format for visualizing and storing digital ink data.

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