Online Sketchnoting workshop for children during school closures

Our team members in Germany organized an online workshop “Young Wacom” for the children while schools were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to the COVID-19 situation in May 2020, children had not been at school and many parents had been faced with home schooling and home office work duties at once. In this challenging time, our team members in Germany initiated “Young Wacom” workshop to provide fun and interaction for children and a short break for their parents.

The lecturer was Marie, a sketchnoting artist. With her original templates, kids learned how to sketch some ideas very fast with the techniques of sketchnoting. As the workshop was designed for the children to participate by themselves. 13 kids from the age 9 to 15 participated in the workshop and it took place 4 days in a row for 1 hour each.

The team felt that it was heart-warming to see what they were drawing but also how imaginative they were.

Also here are the comments from the children and parents who joined the workshop.

“I was very excited to do my first online drawing workshop.”

“I liked that I learned something new.”

“My daughter enjoyed the workshop a lot, I am amazed to see how they could learn with such simple tricks to draw quickly and express themselves.”

The children’s artworks will be put together in a little booklet and be passed to those who joined the workshop.

The Brand team in Germany is planning to continue “Young Wacom” workshops.

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