Bringing people and technology closer together

As the world's leader in pen tablets, interactive pen displays and digital interface technologies, Wacom brings people and technology closer together through natural, intuitive interface solutions.

Wacom supports creative customers across the world in making this world a more creative place.

Wacom serves a broad range of creative customers across the world from film and animation, auto-design and manga. Wacom also supports leading enterprises in medical, education and financial services as well as leading IT partners with innovative user interface technologies and solutions.

Wacom Co Ltd/Japan
2-510-1 Toyonodai Kazo-shi
Saitama, 349-1148

Phone: 81-480-78-1211
Fax: 81-480-78-1220

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Worldwide vision

Wacom's vision extends worldwide, with offices throughout North America, Europe and Asia. Working together, we provide organizations with our core creative and business solutions.

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