Renowned color masters around the globe share their color expertise with Wacom –and with you: Sign up and delve into Kevin O'Connor's comprehensive guide to color management, study color theory and composition with retouching expert Natalia Taffarel, and learn how to achieve best colors with the Wacom Color Manager and Cintiq 27QHD.

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Natalia Taffarel – Portrait of a Visionary Retoucher

One of the most sought-after color and retouching experts, Natalia Taffarel’s passion lies in unleashing the hidden beauty in images – and telling others how she got there. Her compositions appear in fashion magazines such as Vogue and Cosmopolitan, and she has taught retouching classes in metropolises including Dubai, New York and London. Natalia has always kept widening her knowledge of digital art and post-production – be it during her design studies or by teaching Photoshop to herself. Most importantly, Natalia believes in the power of intelligence and continuous growth that will lead you to become the best retoucher you can be.

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Color Theory Basics with Natalia Taffarel

Which colors go together and why? Digital artist and workshop instructor Natalia Taffarel will tell you everything retouchers need to know about color theory.

Boost your knowledge of color theory with retouching pro Natalia Taffarel

wacom color master Natalia Taffarel color theory video thumbnail

Directing the Viewers – Natalia Taffarel’s Guide to Composition

The composition of an image guides the viewers – but how? Learn from professional retoucher and workshop instructor Natalia Taffarel.

Learn how to create powerful compositions with digital artist Natalia Taffarel

wacom color master Natalia Taffarel color theory video thumbnail

Get your FREE ebook:
Color Theory – Guide to Color Grading

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